NMEA Volunteer Committee Structure
NMEA, like other associations strives and relies on volunteers who share their expertise with other industry experts. NMEA has 12 standing committees that we invite any member to join and help make the association better. Most committees involve a conference call once per month and specific assignments between calls. If anyone is interested in joining a committee, please email [email protected] or call 410 975 9425.
The four main NMEA Committees (Operational, Strategic, Technical Standards, and Special Projects) requires a NMEA board member as chairperson. The chair duration is three years. The NMEA Board Chairperson nominates the 4 main committee chairs, and the full board approves the 4 main committee chairs. The 4 main committee chairs appoint the sub-committee chairs in their respective committee. The sub-committee chairs appoint their committee members. If the sub-committee chairperson is not a board member, the board chair can request that the individual present at any board meeting.
NMEA sub-committees as listed below do not require a board member as sub-chair. All sub chairs must be an NMEA member in good standing. All sub-committee chair terms expire January 31 of each calendar year. No single individual can chair a sub-committee for longer than 72 months. The NMEA President is a non-voting member of each NMEA committee.
Strategic Committees - Chair: Steve Katz
The Strategic committee chairperson appoints the following sub-chairs of each committee below:
Strategic Planning Committee- Sub Chair: Tom Milanette
This is a select committee whose function is to establish an outline of a Strategic plan for the association. Development of an operational plan to meet the established goals and objectives, establish a timeline to set priorities and goals to focus on the true mission on the NMEA Association.
Membership and Member Benefits Committee- Sub Chair: Kevin Kriegel
This is a select committee whose function is to research "added value" benefits that can be offered to all our members. This committee is further charged with establishing membership recruitment and benefits programs to stimulate Association awareness in coordination with the National Office and to review and refine membership categories ensuring appropriate classification.
Marketing/ Website Committee- Sub Chair: Paul Comyns
This is a select committee whose function is to establish a marketing and website plan for the NMEA. This plan should include not only to market the NMEA in the marine electronics industry but also how best to get the NMEA name out to the boating consumer.
Master Dealer Committee- Sub Chair: Mark Roche
This is an ongoing committee whose function is to maintain and update the Master Dealer program. This committee may meet as needed to enforce, maintain, and modify the credentials required to become a Master Dealer.
The four main NMEA Committees (Operational, Strategic, Technical Standards, and Special Projects) requires a NMEA board member as chairperson. The chair duration is three years. The NMEA Board Chairperson nominates the 4 main committee chairs, and the full board approves the 4 main committee chairs. The 4 main committee chairs appoint the sub-committee chairs in their respective committee. The sub-committee chairs appoint their committee members. If the sub-committee chairperson is not a board member, the board chair can request that the individual present at any board meeting.
NMEA sub-committees as listed below do not require a board member as sub-chair. All sub chairs must be an NMEA member in good standing. All sub-committee chair terms expire January 31 of each calendar year. No single individual can chair a sub-committee for longer than 72 months. The NMEA President is a non-voting member of each NMEA committee.
Strategic Committees - Chair: Steve Katz
The Strategic committee chairperson appoints the following sub-chairs of each committee below:
Strategic Planning Committee- Sub Chair: Tom Milanette
This is a select committee whose function is to establish an outline of a Strategic plan for the association. Development of an operational plan to meet the established goals and objectives, establish a timeline to set priorities and goals to focus on the true mission on the NMEA Association.
Membership and Member Benefits Committee- Sub Chair: Kevin Kriegel
This is a select committee whose function is to research "added value" benefits that can be offered to all our members. This committee is further charged with establishing membership recruitment and benefits programs to stimulate Association awareness in coordination with the National Office and to review and refine membership categories ensuring appropriate classification.
Marketing/ Website Committee- Sub Chair: Paul Comyns
This is a select committee whose function is to establish a marketing and website plan for the NMEA. This plan should include not only to market the NMEA in the marine electronics industry but also how best to get the NMEA name out to the boating consumer.
Master Dealer Committee- Sub Chair: Mark Roche
This is an ongoing committee whose function is to maintain and update the Master Dealer program. This committee may meet as needed to enforce, maintain, and modify the credentials required to become a Master Dealer.
Technical Standards Committees (TSCs) -Chair: Ryan Martin
The Technical committee chairperson appoints the following sub chairs of each committee below:
NMEA 2000 Standards Committee- Sub Chairs: Andrew Bazan, Tom DeBorio
This is an ongoing Committee consisting of mainly software and hardware engineers whose function is to maintain and update the NMEA 2000®Network Standard recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.
NMEA 0183 Standards Committee- Sub Chairs: Andy Campbell, Paul Sumpner
This is an ongoing Committee consisting of mainly software and hardware engineers whose function is to maintain and update the NMEA 0183 Standard recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.
OneNet Standards Committee- Sub Chairs: Tim Banaszak, Brian Gnad
This is an ongoing Committee consisting of mainly software and hardware engineers whose function is to maintain and update the OneNet Ethernet Standard recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.
NMEA 0400 Installation Standards Committee- Sub Chair: Ben Stein
This is an ongoing committee consisting of mainly marine electronics installers whose function is to maintain and update the installation standards programs. In addition, new material to be created as it pertains to installations.
Education Committee- Sub Chairs: Chris Meyer, Kevin Boughton
This is an ongoing committee consisting of mainly educators and marine electronics installers whose function is to maintain and update the NMEA education programs- MEI N2k, AMEI AN2k, NMET/CMET in addition, new material to be created as it pertains to education efforts around the installation of marine electronics.
The Technical committee chairperson appoints the following sub chairs of each committee below:
NMEA 2000 Standards Committee- Sub Chairs: Andrew Bazan, Tom DeBorio
This is an ongoing Committee consisting of mainly software and hardware engineers whose function is to maintain and update the NMEA 2000®Network Standard recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.
NMEA 0183 Standards Committee- Sub Chairs: Andy Campbell, Paul Sumpner
This is an ongoing Committee consisting of mainly software and hardware engineers whose function is to maintain and update the NMEA 0183 Standard recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.
OneNet Standards Committee- Sub Chairs: Tim Banaszak, Brian Gnad
This is an ongoing Committee consisting of mainly software and hardware engineers whose function is to maintain and update the OneNet Ethernet Standard recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.
NMEA 0400 Installation Standards Committee- Sub Chair: Ben Stein
This is an ongoing committee consisting of mainly marine electronics installers whose function is to maintain and update the installation standards programs. In addition, new material to be created as it pertains to installations.
Education Committee- Sub Chairs: Chris Meyer, Kevin Boughton
This is an ongoing committee consisting of mainly educators and marine electronics installers whose function is to maintain and update the NMEA education programs- MEI N2k, AMEI AN2k, NMET/CMET in addition, new material to be created as it pertains to education efforts around the installation of marine electronics.
Special Projects Committee - Chair/sub chair is always the NMEA President.
The Special Projects committee chairperson appoints the following sub chairs of each committee below:
Conference Committee- Sub Chair- Mark Reedenauer, NMEA President
This is a select committee whose function is to research location options for our Annual conference working with the national office. Review new programs and guest speakers that will keep our convention current and attractive for all members to attend. Assist the national office with marketing and promoting the convention.
Awards Committee- Sub Chair- Mark Reedenauer, NMEA President
This is an ongoing Committee, whose function is to maintain and update the Product Awards program, including updating category and nomination criterion, approving nominated products, and establishing methods to increase voting. New ideas and alternative programs should be considered. This committee coordinates with the National Office to maintain the essential timeline for nomination and voting.
The Special Projects committee chairperson appoints the following sub chairs of each committee below:
Conference Committee- Sub Chair- Mark Reedenauer, NMEA President
This is a select committee whose function is to research location options for our Annual conference working with the national office. Review new programs and guest speakers that will keep our convention current and attractive for all members to attend. Assist the national office with marketing and promoting the convention.
Awards Committee- Sub Chair- Mark Reedenauer, NMEA President
This is an ongoing Committee, whose function is to maintain and update the Product Awards program, including updating category and nomination criterion, approving nominated products, and establishing methods to increase voting. New ideas and alternative programs should be considered. This committee coordinates with the National Office to maintain the essential timeline for nomination and voting.
Operational Committees- Chair: Steve Katz
Bylaws Revision Committee
This is an ad hoc committee whose function is to review the NMEA Bylaws recommending updates and changes congruent with the Association's operation.
Operations Planning Committee
This is an ad hoc Committee consisting of the members of the Executive Committee board whose function is to oversee the operational management of the National Office recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.
Finance Committee
This is an ongoing Committee consisting of the members of the Executive Committee board whose function is to oversee the fiscal management of the corporation recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.
Budget Committee
This is an ongoing Committee consisting of the members of the Executive Committee board and other board members whose function is to prepare the annual budget by each September for the upcoming year and recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.
Bylaws Revision Committee
This is an ad hoc committee whose function is to review the NMEA Bylaws recommending updates and changes congruent with the Association's operation.
Operations Planning Committee
This is an ad hoc Committee consisting of the members of the Executive Committee board whose function is to oversee the operational management of the National Office recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.
Finance Committee
This is an ongoing Committee consisting of the members of the Executive Committee board whose function is to oversee the fiscal management of the corporation recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.
Budget Committee
This is an ongoing Committee consisting of the members of the Executive Committee board and other board members whose function is to prepare the annual budget by each September for the upcoming year and recommending to the Board appropriate actions deemed necessary.